
Unlock Your Musical Potential!

Music Composition For Piano

Helping You Become A Better Composer

  • Do you feel stuck with your compositions?
  • Are you lacking in music theory knowledge, or finding it hard to complete your compositions?
  • Are you looking for a step by step method for improving your compositions on the piano?

At Music Composition for Piano, my goal is to provide you with a clear path forward to improve your skills as a composer, and reach your musical ambitions.

Free Composition Guide

Composing New Ideas on the Piano Official

Get Started Composing Today!

This guide will help you get started with composing melody, rhythm and harmony on the piano. You will get a better understanding of what composing a full piece on the piano involves!
Composing New Ideas on the Piano Official

Get Started Composing Today

This guide will help you get started with composing melody, rhythm and harmony on the piano. You will get a better understanding of what composing a full piece on the piano involves!

Misconceptions About Music Composition

  • My belief is that creativity is a skill that can be learned and strengthened like a muscle. If you think you have to be a genius or naturally talented, then you are approaching composition with the wrong mindset! Below are three myths about music composition:

Myth #1
You Are Born With It

Fact: Music composition skills can be learned.

Myth #2
You Have To Be A Genius

Fact: Most composers are not geniuses.

Myth #3
Great Music Is Complicated

Fact: Some of the best music is very simple.
  • You may be struggling with composition right now, but don’t worry! I have recently completed a project that I have been working on for over two years. I have made sure to include some of the most important steps that are necessary for improving you composition skills. Let me introduce:

Compose Like A Pro-Online Program:

IMAGE Compose like a pro

About The Creator

The founder of Music Composition For Piano, Matti Carter is dedicated to helping aspiring musicians around the world to composing music with the piano. He has taught piano and composition to hundreds of students and has released a lot of piano music and sheet music.

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